إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Maltese Keyboard

4.0 ( 1360 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة السفر
المطور: Keith Galdies

# 1 Utilitajiet fl-App Store Malti!

Fl-aħħar tista tikteb bil-Malti fuq l-iPhone jew l-iPad tiegħek! Din hija l-istess tastiera li dejjem użajt però tinkludi wkoll l-ittri l-oħra li jiffurmaw parti mil-lingwa Maltija. Bdifferenza ta apps oħra, tista tuża din it-tastiera fl-applikazzjonijiet kollha inklużi Messages, WhatsApp u Facebook!

Jekk għandkom suġġerimenti jew kummenti tistgħu tibagħtuhom fuq [email protected]


A custom keyboard designed to add support for the Maltese language.

This allows you to type in Maltese whilst retaining the familiar QWERTY layout that we are all used to. Unlike other alternatives you can use this keyboard in all applications including Messages, Whatsapp and Facebook!

Let us know if you have any comments or suggestions! [email protected]